Greenethorpe Public School

Courtesy. Loyalty. Courage.

Telephone02 6343 6324

GPS Space Party!

To conclude our thematic unit on Space, the Infants class held a Space Party at school on Thursday 27th May.  The Primary class were also studying Space in Science, and were invited to come along as well.  It was a fantastic night with lots of Space Party games like Pass the Planet (pass the parcel), Musical Planets (musical chairs) and a Rocket Ship pinata!  After the games, we had a delicious Space feast and got to look at the full moon through telescopes and binoculars.  Thank you to all the parents who came along and to the families who loaned us their equipment for the night.  At the end of the party the whole school had great fun taking part in a Moon Rock Treasure Hunt with their torches!

Playing Space Games at the Space Party!